Contribute to SFLA's Pro-Life Sign Fund Today!

The National Pro-Life March in Washington, D.C. (the largest annual gathering of pro-lifers in the world) is relying on Students for Life to provide many of the signs the tens of thousands of pro-life protesters will be holding on January 21st on top of the thousands of students to carry them.

To prepare, Students for Life is purchasing 15,000 "I AM THE PRO-LIFE GENERATION" and "DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD" rally signs - costing $19,831.85 (plus $200 shipping).

I know that sounds like a lot, but it's only $1.33 per rally sign. The visual of 15,000 young people holding these pro-life signs marching in Washington, D.C. will be incredible!

Will you please use the form below to contribute to Students for Life's Pro-Life Sign Fund right away to help us cover the costs?

A generous contribution of $66.50 would help pay for 50 rally signs!

Even just $13.30 would pay for a 10-pack of rally signs!

Suggested Amounts

To support us via PayPal, please click here. If you live outside the United States, please click here to donate. 


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