Support Students for Life's "Campuses to Computers" Digital Pivot Plan!

As schools are closing and governments are enforcing social distancing measures, the past two weeks have been some of the most challenging we’ve ever had at Students for Life.

With so much of our work focusing on our online conversion efforts right now, it’s easy to know just how your gift will be used.

  • It costs 44 cents to reach 1 pro-choice young person and have them click over to our “Ask a Pro-Lifer” website I’ve described below.
  • It only costs $4.43 to convert 1 pro-choice young person through our Digital Conversion Quiz Campaign.

If you feel led, please consider chipping in to help us scale up our efforts even faster.

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Suggested Amounts

To support us via PayPal, please click here. If you live outside the United States, please click here to donate. 


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  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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