Sponsor a Student for Pro-Life Leadership Training

This summer we're hosting over 200 of the top young leaders of the Pro-Life Generation for an intensive three-day training to teach them everything from how to start and grow a pro-life group on campus to how to take on Planned Parenthood’s abortion apologists and win.

We've received more applications than ever before and if we don't have the sponsors we'll have to turn some deserving pro-life students away.

Please use the form below to make a tax-deductible gift to help sponsor a student for this critical Pro-Life Leadership Training today.

Your gift of $450 will pay for a full sponsorship for one student
Your gift of $250 will pay for snacks and drinks for the group
Your gift of $100 will pay for lunch for ten students
Your gift of $50 will pay for a tank of gas for a student
Your gift of $25 will pay for the printed materials for five students
Your gift of $10 will pay for lunch for one student


Suggested Amounts

To support us via PayPal, please click here. If you live outside the United States, please click here to donate. 


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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